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Last burn between the services offers from the Hidrochem is the professional reorganization of pipelines:    

- for the drinkable water   

I placed you of rust, dirt and limestone in the pipelines of the pieces of real estate of old date dirty water can have various consequences (water brown, piercing corrosion, breach of the pipelines, losses, narrowing of the section, decrease of pressure, formation of germs and bacteria).   

Through the innovative system NeoVac AquaSan the Hidrochem is in a position to taking part immediately for a complete reorganization of the pipelines of the drinkable water allowing a saving of beyond 70% respect to a traditional reorganization or to the complete substitution of the pipelines, all in minor time, without uses it of chemical products, guaranteeing cleaning, rapidity and convenience.   

- of gas and water undergrounds put down   

The pipelines of the gas and the water put down underground are exposed to external sollicitations many elevating and sometimes they introduce I placed to you massive. The causes are several that can carry to damages, whose removal involves remarkable expenses.   
Through the system NeoVac Tuboblex the Hidrochem takes part for the reorganization of such lead. The pipelines come cleaned up through the system of the relining with woven flexible tube in.   
This particular participation guarantees a long-lasting reorganization, thanks to which the capacity of the building participations is reduced lessened and come true remarkable savings on the costs.  With a special system of upsetting a flexible tube comes inserted in the gallery puts into effect them and under pressure it comes glue to the inner wall of the tube.
